Friday, December 28, 2007

Connor's Two Month Appointment

Pat and I took Connor to his two month appointment today and I don't know if it was harder on Connor or Mommy!!!! He did really well at the appointment and has progressed to the levels he should be at two months old.

He was around the 75th percentile for weight (12 pounds 13 ounces) and height (23 3/4 inches) and the 25th percentile for his head size (39 cm)...which is good because we thought he had a really big head like his daddy, but I guess not! :)

He had 5 vaccines today...4 shots and one oral and he did pretty well. I guess Mommy and Daddy can now recognize the "hurt" cry and the "I don't feel well" cry as we heard both of those today. He did not care for the oral vaccine and cried during the shots, but calmed down pretty quickly afterwards. He was good the rest of the morning (the appointment was at 9 AM), but around 2 PM he started to get a little fussy so Mommy and Connor pretty much spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch. Although it was not fun to see my little man upset during the shots, I must admit I liked the cuddling this afternoon!

We got the OK to start using the Bumbo seat so we are going to start using that over the weekend. He should start to interact even more then he has been and we are super excited for that.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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